I can't wait wait wait to post more! Check back tomorrow for some more!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sneak Peek!
Yesterday my family headed to visit some old friends who live outside Philadelphia. We hadn't seen them in about 4 years. It was wonderful to catch up and see how their oldest daughter has grown and to meet their younger daughter. It was so wonderful to catch up with them and get to know their girls better. They were beautiful, silly, and so spunky. They had tons to tell me, I loved it! I took so many photos of them and I don't know how I am going to narrow them down! So many beautiful ones! Here are two family photos that struck me right away. One of them I did in black and white and color. I can't decide which I like better as both are beautiful!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Here is another of the whole family from my session earlier in the week. I loved seeing the cousins together. Reminded me of seeing my cousins when we were little. They were so excited to be together and to love the baby up!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A sneak peek from this afternoon's session. Some brother and sister love. More to come with more people and lots more love!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Kaitlin= Fun
Here is the series of fall photos I took of Kaitlin last week. It took us 3 or 4 tries to actually get this in....every time we wanted to head out it was raining. Anyway, it was a blast photographing her! She is easy going and so much fun! The light was gorgeous, the location was fab and the weather was perfect for a photo shoot! I highly recommend getting photos at this time of year. Photos make great Christmas gifts!
Though I have many more to edit, here is a series that I think is one of my favorites from the whole shoot!
Though I have many more to edit, here is a series that I think is one of my favorites from the whole shoot!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My new favorite photo.
or two. or three. I was taking pictures of James yesterday, I was working on some dramatic light. First, James was such a peach to work with. He was patient and he followed all of my directions (and there were a lot of directions to follow to get these photos!).
I think these pictures really really show his personality at 5, silly, sweet, and fun!
I may have to blow these up and put them on the wall!
I think these pictures really really show his personality at 5, silly, sweet, and fun!
I may have to blow these up and put them on the wall!
I just love his sweetness!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Recent Newborn Photos
I had the privilege of shooting some itty bitty babies over the summer. It was my first time shooting newborns and I loved it! I love babies anyway and it was fun to work with them, see them with their new mamas (who are fabulous mamas!) and to capture their new relationships. There is something amazing about being a new mother.
I look forward to doing more with newborns but here is a sneak peek of my favorites from the two sessions!
I look forward to doing more with newborns but here is a sneak peek of my favorites from the two sessions!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Bloom 52 Week Challenge- Dream
I just signed up for the Hershey Half Marathon last week. A half marathon is 13.1 miles. I am a runner but not a consistent runner. I need something to keep me motivated to help me stay with a hobby and sport that I love. It is going to be hard to train. This is my longest race yet. I made a dream become reality.
Now go seeDana Cubbage Baltimore, Maryland Lifestyle Pet Photographer's take on Dream. Leave her some love!
Now go seeDana Cubbage Baltimore, Maryland Lifestyle Pet Photographer's take on Dream. Leave her some love!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
She has personality
Took this for a light assignment today. She was such a ham. Love her. Love her lips. Love her eyes. Love that she just did what I asked.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Bloom 52 Week Challenge- Week 17 MOTHER
This is my girlfriend, Paula. When James was little he called her "Pretty Paula". She is pretty and now that she is going to have a baby she is glowing too. I was lucky enough to take her maternity pictures last week after her baby shower. I love this one of her. She is gorgeous and I love the light behind her. So, I wish her and her husband Norm the best of luck in their first days as parents, it is such an exciting and blessed time. There is nothing like being a mother, it is truly the best job in the world. I know that Paula will be an excellent mother and those first days with your new baby will be truly unforgettable.
Callie Ann, Austin Texas Child and Family Photographer is up next in our blog circle and I am sure she will have a fabulous take on the theme Mother!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Bloom 52 Week Challenge- Week 17 JOY
http://www.danacubbagephotography.com/blog/I cheated. I took this photo last week, not this week. I know- crazy. I always post pictures of my children and their stories. I can always relate each theme back to them. So I chose to use a photo from last week because I kept coming back to it when I was thinking about joy. Last week, the kids and I were up in CT visiting my parents. While we were there we visited with my grandparents, Sitto and Giddo (Arabic for Grandma and Grandpa). I am half Lebanese and grew up learning lots about Lebanese culture and foods. Anyway, I only see my Sitto and Giddo a few times I year. I am so fortunate that I have them in my life and that we are so close. I have memories of them from my childhood but now I also know them as adults. It is amazing to see them, know them, listen to their stories both old and new. Seeing them brings me so much joy.
This is a picture of my Giddo, George Nichols. He is an amazing man. He is the hardest worker I know. He built the home he lives in now with his own hands. He raised his family there and we have 4 generations who celebrate holidays there. He still does work around the house keeping it in such wonderful condition. He is social, funny, and extremely smart. Not just book smart but life smart. The BEST advice I have I learned from him and Sitto. I follow their values and beliefs each day. I am lucky they shared their wisdom with me and I can carry and share with my family. I can see Giddo in my children. James is a fixer just like Big Giddo and they love to head down to his workshop for some serious fixing time. Emma is a hardworker and persistant (some might call it stubborn ;).
The best part of visiting my grandparents? I know that it brings them so much joy to have us visit them. I wonder what it must feel like to be in your 80's looking at what you created, the people, the family, the personalities. Never in your wildest dream could you dream up what your life could be become, who the people will be and how much joy they can bring to you. I am so blessed to have my children know their great-grandparents and watch them bring each other such joy. My kids LOVE them, not because they have to but because they truly love the people Sitto and Giddo are. They show my children who they are. That is Joy.
What brings Dana from Dana Cubbage Photography joy? Check it and leave her some love!
This is a picture of my Giddo, George Nichols. He is an amazing man. He is the hardest worker I know. He built the home he lives in now with his own hands. He raised his family there and we have 4 generations who celebrate holidays there. He still does work around the house keeping it in such wonderful condition. He is social, funny, and extremely smart. Not just book smart but life smart. The BEST advice I have I learned from him and Sitto. I follow their values and beliefs each day. I am lucky they shared their wisdom with me and I can carry and share with my family. I can see Giddo in my children. James is a fixer just like Big Giddo and they love to head down to his workshop for some serious fixing time. Emma is a hardworker and persistant (some might call it stubborn ;).
The best part of visiting my grandparents? I know that it brings them so much joy to have us visit them. I wonder what it must feel like to be in your 80's looking at what you created, the people, the family, the personalities. Never in your wildest dream could you dream up what your life could be become, who the people will be and how much joy they can bring to you. I am so blessed to have my children know their great-grandparents and watch them bring each other such joy. My kids LOVE them, not because they have to but because they truly love the people Sitto and Giddo are. They show my children who they are. That is Joy.
What brings Dana from Dana Cubbage Photography joy? Check it and leave her some love!
Monday, April 25, 2011
A Lovely Family
A few weekends ago I had the privilege of photographing 3 of the most gentle and kind children I have met in a long time. They obviously love each very much and took such good care of each other. Each child has their own personality and it was so fun to play and photograph them alone and together. Enjoy these photos of them!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Bloom 52 Week Challenge- Week 16 Easter Eggs
Today a friend and I dyed Easter Eggs with our kids! We didn't use regular PAAS dye though. We went au naturel and dyed the eggs using different foods. It was so much fun to see the colors each food created.. We used onions both red and yellow, grape juice, beets, and turmeric. I got the information for dyeing the eggs from Lakewinds to guide me in prepping the colors. We had so much fun and the eggs came out beautiful for the most part. I liked the onions and the turmeric the best. The colors were muted and natural. I don't think the beet dye came out as dark as it was supposed to and I would not recommend using the grape juice. It made the eggs too sticky and the color wasn't so great. I may try doing the beets again today because I have a ton of eggs and beets left over. Next time I would also like to use some of the skins to create patterns and designs on the eggs. It was tons of fun but the kids weren't totally into it.
Here are some pictures of our eggs.
Head on over to see Cat's take on the egg theme! Leave her and the other girls in the circle some love after you stop by! I am sure you will enjoy all their photos too!
Here are some pictures of our eggs.
Head on over to see Cat's take on the egg theme! Leave her and the other girls in the circle some love after you stop by! I am sure you will enjoy all their photos too!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Bloom 52 Week Challenge- Week 14 Sparkle

Now check out Hollie at Hollie Nicholson Photography Richton MS www.hollienicholsonphotography.com/blog and her interpretation of Sparkle!
Monday, April 4, 2011
James Loves
This is typical James right now. His Henny and Biz (Dan's parents) taught him how to do this magic spell. This video is from last month. I hadn't shared it but I think it is very very James. He loves being silly. He loves being with Henny and Biz and talking to Tutu and PopPop on the phone. He loves T-Ball, swimming with Taylor, riding his bike, and reading Magic Tree House books. When we are outside he takes his backpack and pretends he is Jack and we are in the tree house spinning off to another time. He even carries a notebook and pencil so he can "take notes".
James loves helping me bake and cook. He measures, pours and stirs. He especially loves making bread and banana bread. He also loves listening to music from Lady Gaga to Vivaldi and even some Grateful Dead (he and Dan listen to Fire on the Mountain and Shady Grove). He loves working and writes notes to me and makes lists. One day I made a list for Target and he asked me how to spell 'toy'. I looked at my list and on the bottom it said, " a toy for James". Ha, nice try. He loves Legos and can put together a bunch by following the directions all by himself.
He is learning to read and can read lots of sight words. He is constantly sounding out words and trying to see what they say. He loves to rhyme and can make rhymes and point out if something rhymes. He likes writing books and made a book about squirrels for his friend. Since he loves books his comprehension is fantastic, he can make predictions, retell parts of the story, and understand cause and effect. (Sorry, that is the teacher in me coming out!)
It isn't always fun and games. He is much more verbal about what he likes and doesn't like and we have had many talks about talking rude and using words instead of hands. He is learning what he can and can't get away with. We also are working on being a good listener. Mostly he does a good job :) but still needs some reminders. It is a reminder to me too that he is still four, still needs directions, still needs a Mama and Daddy who will help him grow into a kind, gentle, respectful and hardworking young man.
James loves helping me bake and cook. He measures, pours and stirs. He especially loves making bread and banana bread. He also loves listening to music from Lady Gaga to Vivaldi and even some Grateful Dead (he and Dan listen to Fire on the Mountain and Shady Grove). He loves working and writes notes to me and makes lists. One day I made a list for Target and he asked me how to spell 'toy'. I looked at my list and on the bottom it said, " a toy for James". Ha, nice try. He loves Legos and can put together a bunch by following the directions all by himself.
He is learning to read and can read lots of sight words. He is constantly sounding out words and trying to see what they say. He loves to rhyme and can make rhymes and point out if something rhymes. He likes writing books and made a book about squirrels for his friend. Since he loves books his comprehension is fantastic, he can make predictions, retell parts of the story, and understand cause and effect. (Sorry, that is the teacher in me coming out!)
It isn't always fun and games. He is much more verbal about what he likes and doesn't like and we have had many talks about talking rude and using words instead of hands. He is learning what he can and can't get away with. We also are working on being a good listener. Mostly he does a good job :) but still needs some reminders. It is a reminder to me too that he is still four, still needs directions, still needs a Mama and Daddy who will help him grow into a kind, gentle, respectful and hardworking young man.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Emma Funny
Emma is talking like crazy now. She loves to laugh and say "Emma funny" and then laugh again. She says the sweetest things and her personality is really growing. Since I don't want to forget any of the things she is saying and doing I figured I would share on here.
Here is a little list of some of the things Emma is saying lately:
1) When she puts on something new she says, "How do I look?"
2) "Guess What Mommy? Guess What?"
3) When she sees Dan with either is phone or a drink she says "That's Mommy's phone" or "That's Mommy's drink"
4) When playing with her dolls, she says,"Good Night, Sleep Tight, don't let bed bugs bite, see you in the morning"
5) Since James is playing tee ball, she keeps saying, "Nice throw!" and "Good catch!"
6) She loves sweet treats and when she is all finished with her meal she says, "Emma going to Sweet Treat City!" and then she gets a cookie.
7) She points at James's baseball card and says "That's A-Rod."
Things Emma likes:
1) Headbands
3) Books- Especially books about bugs like Bugs and the Very Hungry Caterpillar
4) Her bee backpack
5) Her dolls
6) Woody from Toy Story
7) Riding her tricycle
8) Swimming in the "coowah" with Taylor
9) Olives
10) Pet Patties (peppermint patties)
Things Emma does:
1) Only wants Mama to change her, get her out of her crib, give her a bath.
2) Cuddles with Daddy
3) Goes in the "gween car" with Daddy.
4) Reads alone for 15-20 minutes at a time.
5) identifies many of the bugs in her Bugs book
6) Recites lots of nursery rhymes
7) Plays music and sings along to her Music Together cd's.
8) Screeches (loudly) when she doesn't get her way.
9)When you ask her for a kiss she leans her head into you.
10) Likes to choose what she wears down to the socks, coat, and shoes.
Loving her sweet personality lately.
Next up: James! Can't wait to share his loves lately!
Here is a little list of some of the things Emma is saying lately:
1) When she puts on something new she says, "How do I look?"
2) "Guess What Mommy? Guess What?"
3) When she sees Dan with either is phone or a drink she says "That's Mommy's phone" or "That's Mommy's drink"
4) When playing with her dolls, she says,"Good Night, Sleep Tight, don't let bed bugs bite, see you in the morning"
5) Since James is playing tee ball, she keeps saying, "Nice throw!" and "Good catch!"
6) She loves sweet treats and when she is all finished with her meal she says, "Emma going to Sweet Treat City!" and then she gets a cookie.
7) She points at James's baseball card and says "That's A-Rod."
Things Emma likes:
1) Headbands
3) Books- Especially books about bugs like Bugs and the Very Hungry Caterpillar
4) Her bee backpack
5) Her dolls
6) Woody from Toy Story
7) Riding her tricycle
8) Swimming in the "coowah" with Taylor
9) Olives
10) Pet Patties (peppermint patties)
Things Emma does:
1) Only wants Mama to change her, get her out of her crib, give her a bath.
2) Cuddles with Daddy
3) Goes in the "gween car" with Daddy.
4) Reads alone for 15-20 minutes at a time.
5) identifies many of the bugs in her Bugs book
6) Recites lots of nursery rhymes
7) Plays music and sings along to her Music Together cd's.
8) Screeches (loudly) when she doesn't get her way.
9)When you ask her for a kiss she leans her head into you.
10) Likes to choose what she wears down to the socks, coat, and shoes.
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The "Dressy Dressy" she wants to wear every. single.day. |
Next up: James! Can't wait to share his loves lately!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Bloom 52 Week Challenge- Week 13: SPRING
Even though it is officially spring, it isn't very spring like here yet. It is cold, damp, and we are expecting SNOW this weekend. We have been getting outside a bunch for bike riding and digging and even some play at the park but unfortunately I wasn't the most responsible photographer and I didn't bring my camera. I did get a picture of Emma in her new spring dress. It has flowers on it and she looks adorable in it. It shows what we are looking forward to as it warms up- dresses, flowers, and bare feet! I adore my babies bare feet and I can't wait until she can wander around with her tootsies in the grass with her pretty dresses on.
Now head on over to Hollie's of Hollie Nicholson Photography I Richton, MS photographer www.hollienicholsonphotography.com/blog. Don't forget to leave her and some of the other talented photographers some love.
Now head on over to Hollie's of Hollie Nicholson Photography I Richton, MS photographer www.hollienicholsonphotography.com/blog. Don't forget to leave her and some of the other talented photographers some love.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Bloom 52 Week Challenge- Week 12: Good Night
Emma goes to bed pretty early each evening, about 7:15 or so. I took this photo a few nights after Spring Forward. So much for night! Check out the light coming into Emma's bedrooom. The sun sets into her bedroom so it was pretty bright at bedtime. Good thing I can shut the shades and she is a good girl and goes right to sleep.
Now head on over to Amber's blog from Amber Norris Photography and check out her Good Night photo!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Bloom Forum and 52 Week Challenge
Last month I joined a photography forum called The Bloom Forum. It is an amazing place where women photographers both professional and hobbyists can discuss photography. I am LOVING it, people are so open and inviting. There are so many creative juices following. It is really inspiring.
One feature of the forum is that you can join a blog circle for a 52 week challenge. Each week I receive a prompt, take pictures relating to that prompt and then post pictures and words to go with the prompt on my blog. I then connect my blog to other photographers and you can see their take on the prompt. The links go in a circle and eventually if you click on each link at the end you will come back to my blog.
I start my blog circle on Friday so check it out. Our first prompt is "Good Night". I am not going to post my picture until Friday but here is another take on Good Night that I took last spring. I still love this picture and I can't have a post without a picture.
See you Friday!
One feature of the forum is that you can join a blog circle for a 52 week challenge. Each week I receive a prompt, take pictures relating to that prompt and then post pictures and words to go with the prompt on my blog. I then connect my blog to other photographers and you can see their take on the prompt. The links go in a circle and eventually if you click on each link at the end you will come back to my blog.
I start my blog circle on Friday so check it out. Our first prompt is "Good Night". I am not going to post my picture until Friday but here is another take on Good Night that I took last spring. I still love this picture and I can't have a post without a picture.
See you Friday!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Prettiest Pea turns 2!
On March 16 Emma turned 2! How did that happen? Time is going by way too fast! My baby is now a true toddler and is looking more and more like a girl. Last weekend we had a small birthday party for her here at home. She was so excited to wear her party dress, the flower in her hair and of course to eat her cake and cupcakes. Here are a few pictures of her in all her birthday glory.
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My favorite :) |
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Lollipop |
Emma's birthday wouldn't be complete without some gifts. The boots were from James, he picked them out himself. He knows she loves boots. The card is also from him, he wrote the whole thing himself, with spelling help from me. Such a good big brother and so proud:). He even helped her open all her gifts! Her favorite gift though was her bee backpack. She wears every time we take James to school and pick him up. It makes her feel like a big girl. Pictures of her with the backpack to come soon because they are so adorable together.
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boots, boots. |
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